The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is comprised of a group of very dedicated people from throughout the Tri-state area who have the ultimate responsibility to ensure the proper operations of St. Michael’s. The Home has been blessed to have these individuals from various backgrounds (clergy, lawyers, finance, health care professionals, etc.), who have contributed immeasurably to the progress of the facility. They bring a wide variety of talents and expertise and truly see their role not as an honor but rather as one of awesome responsibility and obligation to promote this unique ministry of the Archdiocese.
His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros

Honorary Chairman
Haeda Mihaltses
Peter Lambros
Vice President
Warren Herz
Eleni Constandinides
Spiro Dongaris
Nikitas Drakotos
Irene Hotzoglou
Efthalia Katos
Manny P. Kratsios
Savas Konstatinides
Fr. John Lardas
Dr. James Lolis
Antonia Makkos
Dean Mihaltses
Fr. Peter Orfanakos
Very Rev. Fr. Chrysostom Panos
Maria Skiadas
Nicholas Tjartjalis
Stamatiki Valiotis